Call for opinions and suggestions on the inception report (presentation) for the "Diagnostic Study on Export Potential of Agro-processing Sector in Bangladesh" from relevant stakeholders who attended the review and finalization meeting (online) of the inception report on 21 December 2020. Respected stakeholders are requested to share their comments/suggestions/opinions via email to by December 24, 2020. - বাংলাদেশ রিজিওনাল কানেক্টিভিটি প্রোজেক্ট-‌১

Call for opinions and suggestions on the inception report (presentation) for the “Diagnostic Study on Export Potential of Agro-processing Sector in Bangladesh” from relevant stakeholders who attended the review and finalization meeting (online) of the inception report on 21 December 2020. Respected stakeholders are requested to share their comments/suggestions/opinions via email to by December 24, 2020.
